Do You Need To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney?

If you've recently been seriously injured in an accident that wasn't your fault, you may be wondering if it's a good idea to hire a personal injury attorney to help you fight your case. Whether you were injured in a serious car accident, were hurt on the job, or had a slip and fall accident outside of a business, it can be scary and difficult to go about normal life after facing a serious injury. Read More 

3 Things To Avoid When Estate Planning

Estate planning is a good idea for anyone as they get older, but it can be challenging to remember everything to be done. It can be easy to make mistakes during the process. Here are some of the things you should avoid doing while you're planning your estate.  Designating a Loved One as Executor It may seem instinctual to designate your eldest child or spouse to be your executor, but that might not be the best thing to do. Read More 

Passenger In A Car Accident? 4 Things You Should Do To Protect Your Rights

You were a passenger involved in a car accident. You might know what to do if you're one of the drivers. But, do you know what to do if you're the passenger? If you were a passenger, you have the right to seek medical care for your injuries, as well as monetary compensation for your pain and suffering. You may also be entitled to compensation for lost wages if your injuries prevent you from working. Read More 

How Your Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You To Receive The Compensation You’ve Been Awarded

Winning a personal injury case is a great first step, but unfortunately for many, the legal battle is not yet over. If you've won a case but are having trouble collecting your owed dues, there are a number of ways you may be able to receive compensation. Conduct a Discovery If the defendant in the case (now known as the debtor) claims inability to pay the judgement issued by the court, you can perform something called a discovery. Read More 

Top 4 Questions Most People Have About Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)

If you are currently in the process of pursuing an injury lawsuit for an injury you sustained, you need to understand what maximum medical improvement, or MMI, means and how it relates to your case.  What Exactly Is MMI? MMI is a term used in both the legal and medical fields. After any serious injury, your medical team will do everything they can to help you regain your previous level of functionality and health. Read More